We are seeking several volunteers to help support the event, whether with setup, registration, admission, queuing assistance, tear down, or other opportunities. By volunteering, you help keep the price of CSICon down for everyone. As a small nonprofit organization, CSI greatly appreciates the generous support of its many volunteers. Unfortunately, we cannot fund any part of your travel, lodging, or conference registration.

Thank you for helping make CSICon Las Vegas a success and for supporting CSI's important work!

Sign-up Instructions

Please email: volunteering@csiconference.org.

In your message, include the following: First Name, Last Name, Organization, Email, Phone Number.

Volunteers help for about four hours each. This time is before or after sessions, or during breaks, and never during something you paid for. Volunteers don't miss a second of the program. Please let us know your availability around CSICon, your arrival and departure dates/times, and any optional workshops or lunches you registered for. Feel free to mention if there is anything else you would like us to know or if there is something you are particularly good at and would like to provide assistance with for the conference. Comments and questions are welcome.